A word on these collaborations...

A word on these collaborations...

As an M.A. candidate in NYU's Gallatin School I am engaged in a course entitled Collaborative Projects in the Performing Arts: Multimedia Collaboration and Interactive Internet Distributed Performance. Stay tuned here as this dancer collaborates with artists in multiple media. More on my website at www.ericafrankel.com. Send tweets to @ericafrankel.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Helping hand

Yesterday we assisted with the technical production of a concert at the Frederick Lowe Theater at NYU, which hits tonight at 8pm. The evening is a mishmash of dance, narration, and music in tribute to Dinu Ghezzu's 70th birthday, I learned when I arrived. I was originally supposed to be out of town at a dance residency on this Sunday, but thankfully we got home much earlier than anticipated and I could head down to NYU to be helpful.

Tonight I'm on camera duty.

Here are some pictures from last night's tech.

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