I feel really strongly about helping to produce a piece for our 12/10 concert at the Frederick Lowe Theater, but many of the details are still fuzzy. The concert will be an Internet2 Distributed Performance to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 Attack on the World Trade Center.
I have a half-fledged idea which I think could involve several of classmates as collaborators. As a part of my graduate seminar in dance, I read an incredible article by Tony Hiss in the archives of The New Yorker called "Reflections: Experiencing Places" from June 22, 1987.
Hiss reflects on the World Trade Center towers in a really beautiful way, in a time where our only associations with these buildings were their aspirational height.
I'd like to incorporate a reading of the text, some movement, some projection, and some music. I'd even be excited to get some Tisch ITP folks on board to help us conceive of bringing in some motion-capture or interactive elements. I imagine the very first step as recording a reading of the text and then creating a music/soundscape around it, through it, and over it. As you might have noticed, this is not my expertise.
Look forward to discussing more in class on Tuesday.